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Media Centre

Section 1 created by Gabriella (please leave it hidden)

Regional press releases

I added the tag "Canberra" to the block below, but no results appear. The tag is not empty - why can't I get results?

Besides that, on Texis I see at least 44 external documents tagged with "Canberra", whereas on Drupal I only see 10. What happened to the rest of the documents?

Regional stories

I added the tag "Canberrastory" to the block below, but no results appear. The tag is not empty - why can't I get results?

Regional fact sheets

The block below is filtering the tag Canberrafactsheets (, which looks empty on Drupal when I check it via Taxonomy. However, I see the results and if I check the documents, they are correctly tagged. Why the taxonomy term is empty?

Section 2 created by Gabriella (please leave it hidden)

Regional briefings

I added the tag "Canberrabriefing" to the block below, but no results appear. The tag is not empty - why can't I get results?

Briefing notes, press releases and international media contacts.