Bain & Company(link is external)Link is external

About the partnership

Since: 2016

Location: Support to UNHCR teams at global, regional and national levels.

Since 2016, Bain & Company provides invaluable pro bono support to UNHCR on a range of strategic and organizational topics. For example, Bain has advised UNHCR on the design and set-up of change management and business transformation capabilities, with the goal of strengthening UNHCR’s ability to deliver its mandate, as part of the wider United Nations reform agenda.

It helped UNHCR develop a clear and actionable strategy on private sector engagement with the aim to substantially increase funds raised and engagement with companies, foundations and philanthropists. The aim is to nearly triple private-sector funding to US$1 billion. Furthermore, Bain has helped UNHCR private sector operations at regional and national level to develop engagement strategies and plans.

This support is part of Bain & Company’s ten-year commitment to invest more than US$1 billion in pro bono services bringing their talent, expertise and insight to organizations tackling today’s urgent challenges in education, racial equity, social justice, economic development and the environment.

Impact at a glance

  • Supported UNHCR on strategic reviews, business transformations and change initiatives.
  • Helped UNHCR develop and operationalize a sustainable global fundraising strategy and operating model, which aim to nearly triple private-sector funding to US$1 billion.
  • Advised several UNHCR offices on regional and local private sector strategy development, including in MENA and Europe

Sustainable Development Goals in focus

  • SDG17 Partnerships to Achieve the Goals
Contact us

If you are interested in exploring a partnership with UNHCR, please contact us at