2020 UNHCR Global Consultations with NGOs(link is external)Link is external

Responding to Pandemics header

The 2020 UNHCR-NGO Global Consultations took place virtually on 29 and 30 September 2020, focusing on Responding to Pandemics.

The consultations had three main themes:

  • Protection considerations
  • Resilience and inclusion
  • Climate action

A side event dedicated to Partnership Agreements in Pandemics, with the participation of Robert Hurt (Head of the Implementing Management and Assurance Service) took place on Monday 28 September.

Agenda and concept note

Final recommendations

The final recommendations(link is external)Link is external were agreed upon during the Consultations, and presented by ICVA at the 71st session of the Executive Committee. (full statement(link is external)Link is external)

Please contact the Partnership and Coordination Service(link is external)Link is external to request the recordings of the sessions.


Monday 28 September

Tuesday 29 September

Wednesday 30 September


Since March 2020, COVID-19 has emerged as a major, worldwide disruptor to the provision of protection and assistance of UNHCR and partners to refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless persons. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional in-person Global UNHCR Consultations with NGOs could not take place in June.

This notwithstanding, UNHCR held global weekly virtual consultations with NGO partners between March and July on preparedness and response to COVID-19 in refugee situations. Co-organized with ICVA, the objective of these consultations was to create a space for regular dialogue between UNHCR and NGOs on challenges and for sharing of good practices on emerging responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Building on these weekly exchanges with NGOs, the 2020 Annual NGO consultations  aim to contribute to the preparations of the 2020 UNHCR’s High Commissioner Dialogue on Protection Challenges focusing on “Protection Challenges in Pandemics(link is external)Link is external”.

Related resources

Welcome to UNHCR’s first digital art exhibition: “A world where kindness defeats Covid-19”

Our 3D museum features 35 winning drawings created by young artists aged 12-25 that participated in UNHCR’s Youth with Refugees Art Contest. You can either walk around or follow a guided tour by clicking on the arrows at the bottom of your screen. To have the best possible experience on your computer, Google Chrome or Firefox are recommended.